Sunday, March 16, 2008

Drop the Load

When you look into the sadness of your own existence, you will find many things. On one hand, I am so very grateful that I do not have to bear such a burden for eternity.

If I should have to carry about this load forever surely I would fail. I am only strong enough to carry what I can, but of course if I am forced to take more, such is the way of the world.

However, there is not only peril, but also wonder. The ways of the world bring such freedom if you will only take it and relish it.

Yet I continue to try and grasp what I cannot hold and instead am left holding only my baggage, but if I just let go and watch the load carry itself, surely I would find that freedom.

I am caught up in a circle of traps, I am afraid to let go, I do not know how, but I know that if I do I will see that which I crave. Yet, the craving is the very problem.

How is there a balance to be achieved at all? I struggle so mightily with this, for years I have tried to break this wheel, but for years I have fallen without doing so.

Well, I do not fail; I just get pushed down a bit. If I could only find my Guru, if I could only connect with him or her, I would be saved, but sadly I do not even know his name.

Every time I clean house for a guest, I get lost in the chaos and forget about their arrival. Another opportunity lost. We only get a few chances, if any at all, so I know that I must make that commitment. I just don’t know how.

Find out how, and you will have your freedom.

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